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Mint is a small plant with beautiful shapes and colors. It is unusual and has unique characteristics. Therefore, it can be used as a good ornamental plant. Whether planted in a pot or planted as a garden ornament. It also grows well as a hanging

Healthy menus that must be kept in the refrigerator!

Allocating space in the refrigerator is one subject that you should know. But the Healthy menus that should be stored is even more important to know. To make available food as a stock for us to prepare for cooking. Most importantly, you should have it

How to drink water to get good results?

For drink water correctly There is no need to drink 2-3 glasses of water immediately. Turn to the method of drinking continuously. So that the body can use those waters for use in various parts. Of the body and should stop drinking at the same

What kind of food is suitable for our age?

Working age is an age where the brain is used a lot. Therefore, you should eat food that nourish the brain and nervous system. An important dietary supplement should therefore be glucose. Which can be found from carbohydrate foods and important nutrients menu that help

Properties of Roselle.

This time, let’s take a look at some of the properties of Roselle. Are Roselle’s properties as strong as its bright color? Let’s to knowledge. 1. Reduces fever.           Roselle contains important phytochemicals, namely antioxidants, both substances in the phenolic group. Flavonoid substances and substances in the anthocyanin

What are the benefits of Phytosterols ?

Phytosterols are important components in plant cell walls. Its structure and function are similar to cholesterol in animal tissues. That is Phytosterols affect the stability of plant cell walls. The more phytosterols a plant has, the better. The stronger the plant cell wall, the stronger it will be.